Sun-powered rolling shutters and facade awnings - smart and sustainable

With Renobloc Solar, Solozip Solar, and Soloscreen Solar, Griesser introduces a rolling shutter and two facade awning systems with solar power.
In launching its Renobloc Solar, Solozip Solar and Soloscreen Solar shading products, Griesser is taking a further key step on the sustainability path that this leading solar shading specialist has been consistently pursuing for several years now.
At the heart of all three new Griesser products is the solar power kit, with which they all come as standard. The kit, which uses renewable solar energy to comfortably open and close the shading system, consists of a radio-controlled motor, a battery and a solar panel, all fully pre-wired. Once the easily accessible battery is connected via its pre-installed plug, the Griesser sustainable solar shading product is ready for use.
Renobloc Solar
Renobloc Solar front-mounted rolling shutters can be optimally installed either beneath existing headers or directly onto the facade as part of any building remodeling or renovation. The box protects the curtain and the system’s mechanics from the elements. With their exceptionally good darkening credentials, Renobloc shutters are particularly suited to bedroom applications.
Solozip Solar
Solozip Solar is Griesser’s zippered solar-powered facade awning solution. The zipper closure is welded onto the fabric to hold the material securely within its guides throughout the awning’s height. Just like its Solozip sister without the solar power option, Solozip Solar can withstand winds of almost 100 km/h, thanks to its zipper-and-guide system.
Soloscreen Solar
Soloscreen Solar is a further Griesser solar-powered and ecofriendly facade awning system which, with its deft blend of functionality and style and its wide range of in-product options, will add design accents and a unique personality to any modern building facade. The wide range of available colors offers an option for every taste. Like the Solozip Solar facade awning system, Soloscreen Solar is suitable for awning sizes of up to 12 square meters.
The benefits of Griesser’s solar-powered products in brief:
- Guaranteed quick, easy and neat outside installation, leaving the interior free.
- Installation requires no drilling into windows or walls, avoiding the creation of thermal bridges.
- Motor-powered awnings can also be installed away from any mains power source.
- The radio-controlled motors are equipped with obstacle and frost detection functions to prevent product damage.
- The SmartHome option provides intelligent system operation via remote control or with TaHoma, Somfy’s tried and trusted smart home management system.
- No further wiring required: the system’s solar power kit is entirely pre-wired. The battery is also pre-charged before delivery.
- No additional use of home mains electricity: all the power needed is provided via the 12-volt/2.2 Ah solar panel.
- Electricity grid-free operation in summer and in winter, even in dim light conditions: with two open-and-close cycles a day, Griesser’s solar-powered products can continue to operate without direct sunshine for up to 30 days.
Renobloc Solar rolling shutters are available now. Solozip Solar facade awnings will be available from mid-January, and Soloscreen Solar facade awnings will be available from February 2024.